DIY Jam class

Jam on! In a jam! Jam session! Pump, pump the jams! The puns are endless, and so is the pure tasty joy when you make your own jam.

In this demonstration-based class you'll learn the simple steps of homemade jam, from cooking and jelling, to processing and sealing. We'll also cover the tools and tricks of preservation, such as safety and shelf-life, as well as sugar-free methods and canning history.

Laena is a certified jam queen—founder of the condiment company Anarchy in a Jar and author of the cookbook “Jam On: The Craft of Canning Fruit”—ready to answer all your sticky jam questions and make some fun preserves together.

Flat fee up to 12 people: $1250 (over 12, extra $65 pp)

Per Person: $35 (participant minimum: 12)
Add on a kit for $55 per person, shipping included in the US

In-person includes: complimentary jars of jam for all participants, plus crackers to taste it with, chef fee, all cooking supplies + materials, a 60-minute interactive cooking demo. Guest count can be adjusted.

Virtual includes: 1-hour virtual class with founder Laena McCarthy, plus a kit of fruit, spices, and sugar for attendees to make into jam, recipe, and a beautiful complimentary glass jar and decorative label.
